Этот материал я адресую Игорю Гладченко
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познаниям по части кентавров
Кентавры- живопись,графика, скульптура. Их изображений столько, что кажется, будто они существовали на самом деле.
Herakles fighting the centaur Nessos, identified by inscriptions.
Detail from the neck of an Attic black-figure amphora by the Nessos Painter (eponymous vase), ca. 620–610 BC. From a tomb in Piraeus Street, Athens. National Archaeological Museum in Athens
Herakles and the centaur Nessus (?). Side A of an Apulian red-figure olpe, ca. 420 BC. From Italy
Greek mythological figures.] Aphrodite (Greek deity)
Фреска, Геркуланум.
Satyr. MS M.1004 fol. 152v. Piermont Morgan Library
Monstrous races. Cod. Pal. germ. 832, fol. 092r
Oedipus encountering Sphinx. MS G.23 fol. 8r, Detail of miniature. Piermont Morgan Library
Centaur, from the The Vallardi Album
Antonio Pisano (Pisanello)
(b. 1395, Pisa, d. 1455, Roma)
Hercules combating the centavres Boullogne, Bon, 1649-1717 -- Artist
Nessus centaurus fidem violans et lichas dolosum munus ferent ab Hercule Occisi.
Hercules kills Nessus for the rape of Deianira.
Baur, Joh. Wilhelm (Johann Wilhelm), 1600-1642 -- Artist
Rearing centaur with rock] From Tierelben im Ornament. (Stuttgart : Hoffmann, 1895) Sturm, G., Author.
Joseph, Sydney -- Artist 1900-1931) .
The birth of Venus.
Bouguereau, William Adolphe, 1825-1905 -- Artist
Decorative design with centaurs, cherubs, horses and horseback riders.]
Flinzer, Fedor
Hochdanz, E.
Goldstein Lawson Collection
Anonyme : Les Centaures : Lion de Némée : Héraclès (Hercule) : Les travaux d'Hercule - Fra Filippo Lippi, Ghirlandaio - Peinture séculiaire - Metropolitan Museum of Art
Pallas and the Centaur
c. 1482
Tempera on canvas, 205 x 147,5 cm
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
Pallas and the Centaur
The Fight Between the Lapiths and the Centaurs, detail of Centaurs attacking the Lapiths c.1490s
Cosimo Piero di
Hercules, Deianeira and the centaur Nessus, 1580
Bartholomaeus Spranger
(b. 1546, Antwerpen, d. 1611, Praha)
RENI, Guido
The Rape of Deianira
Oil on canvas, 239 x 193 cm
Musée du Louvre, Paris
A Dead Poet being Carried by a Centaur
Gustave Moreau
Рierre Рuget 1690
The Battle of Centaurs and Lapiths at Hippodamia's Wedding 1667
Karel Dujardin
(b. 1622, Amsterdam, d. 1678, Venezia)
Jean-Baptiste Regnault
Jean-Baptiste Regnault (French, 1754-1829) Centaur
Celle, Niedersachsen, Schloß, Chiron & Achilles
Centaur Watching Fish, 1878
Arnold Böcklin
Centaur in the Village Blacksmith's Shop, 1888
Arnold Böcklin
Noël Coypel : Héraclès (Hercule) : Nessos : Déjanire : Louis Dieudonné Louis XIV (le Roi Soleil) : Enlèvement de Déjanire par Nessos : Hercule, Déjanire et le Centaure Nessus - Antichambre - Le Grand Trianon
Centaure et jeune fille. [Terre cuite Grecque.]
Perseus (left, wearing a hat, winged boots and the kibisis slung over his shoulder) averts his gaze as he kills Medusa, figured here as a female centaur. Detail from an orientalizing relief pithos. Terracotta with stamped and cut decoration, Cycladic artwork, ca. 660 BC. From Thebes, Boeotia.
Montferrand: the Centaur door at the hôtel d'Albiat, un male centaur and a female centaur attack an angel (Puy-de-Dôme, France).
Elgin Marbles, British Museum, London : Métope sud, III, centaure
Elgin Marbles, British Museum, London : Métope sud, III, centaure
----------------------Битва лапифов с кентаврами---------------------------
Lapith fighting a centaur. South Metope , Parthenon,
Lapith fighting a centaur. South Metope , Parthenon
Lapith fighting a centaur. South Metope , Parthenon, ca. 447–433 BC.
Lapith fighting a centaur. South Metope , Parthenon, ca. 447–433 BC.
Lapith fighting a centaur. South Metope , Parthenon, ca. 447–433 BC.
Lapith fighting a centaur. South Metope , Parthenon, ca. 447–433 BC.
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Old Centaur teased by Eros. Roman copy (1st–2nd centuries AD) of a Greek original of the 2nd century BC. Marble, found in Rome in the 17th century, belonged to the Borghese collections. A grey-black marble statue of the same type was found in the Villa Adriana in Tivoli together with a grey-black marble Young Centaur laughing at Eros's wounds. The pair, now shown in the Capitoline Museums, bear the signature of Aristeas and Papias of Aphrodisias, a city in Asia Minor. It can surmised that the Louvre statue was an element from a pair as well.
Heracles fighting the centaur Nessus by Giambologna (with the help of Pietro Francavilla). Marble, 1595–1599. Formerly at the Canto dei Carnesecchi, installed at the Loggia dei Lanzi since 1789.
Combat des centaures et des Lapithes, collections de Mr. le baron de Sellières et d'Andrew Esqe.
Sauzay, A. (Alexandre), 1804-1870 -- Author
Delange, Henri, b. 1804 -- Author
Bornemann, C. -- Artist
Delange, Carle, 1837- -- Artist
Modern bronze copy of the type of the Young Centaur, Malmaison.
Young Centaur Musei Capitolini
Jeune Centaure d'Aristéas et Papias d'Aphrodise : centaure se riant des blessures de l'Amour (manquant). Marbre gris-noir, copie romaine de l'ère d'Adrien (117-138 ap. J.-C.) d'après un original hellénistique. Provenance : villa Adriana, près de Tivoli, 1736.
Sarcophage centaure
Centaure, détail d'un sarcophage romain représentant Dionysos et Ariane tirés par des centaures
vers 230 ap. J.-C.
Centaur Bienor
Antoine-louis Barye
(b. 1796, Paris, d. 1875, Paris)
Terre cuite exécutée en Italie vers 1775-1778, par Johan Tobias Sergel (Stockholm, 1740-Stockholm, 1815)
Terre cuite exécutée en Italie vers 1775-1778, par Johan Tobias Sergel (Stockholm, 1740-Stockholm, 1815)
Anonyme : Les Centaures : Silène : Alexandre Albani : Louis Dieudonné Louis XIV (le Roi Soleil) : Dionysos : Centaure marin portant un silène - Répliques antiques d'après des originaux grecs de l'époque hellénistique - Musée du Louvre
Theseus and the Centaur
Antonio Canova
Centaure Mourant" by Antoine Bourdelle (1914)
Une statue sur le même thème mythologique. Jardin des Tuileries, Grand Bassin rond, le Grand carré. Paris.by Laurent Marqueste (French, 1850–1920).
Centaur raping a nymph by Laurent Marqueste (French, 1850–1920). Marble, 1892. In the Tuileries Gardens, Paris.
le bronze "Centaure et Bacchante" (1878) d'Arthur le Duc, mutilé par les bombardements de 1944 alors qu'il se trouvait dans la cour de l'ancien musée des Beaux Arts ; Mémorial de Caen
Kentaur Schwanz Bad Urach
Einkaufspassage Levantehaus, Hamburg Mönckebergstraße, established in the 1990s into an existing building originally built 1911/12 as 'Hubertushof' (later renamed 'Levantehaus).
Entree of the shopping mall Levantehaus in Hamburg, Germany, with centaur.
L'Education d'Achille par le Centaure Chiron
French School, France (20th Century )
François-Auguste-René Rodin (Auguste Rodin) : Les Centaures : Centauresse - France - Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Les mythes, qui prêtent aux centaures l'aspect d'hommes-chevaux, proviennent sans doute du fait que les Thessaliens, habiles dans l'art de l'équitation, semblaient, aux yeux des Grecs, s'identifier avec leurs montures galerie Bernard Ceysson
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